The Matrix (1999)

31 Mar, 1999
136 MIN

The fight for the future begins.


"Watch The Matrix Full Movie NOW! Don't miss this opportunity to watch The Matrix movie in French! With a thrilling soundtrack and impressive visual effects, this movie is a must-watch for any action fan. WATCH IT NOW and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of The Matrix! Plus, you can watch the official The Matrix movie trailer on our channel and find out what the critics are saying about this masterpiece."


Keanu Reeves , Laurence Fishburne , Carrie-Anne Moss , Hugo Weaving , Gloria Foster , Joe Pantoliano , Marcus Chong , Julian Arahanga , Matt Doran , Belinda McClory , Anthony Ray Parker , Paul Goddard , Robert Taylor , David Aston , Marc Aden Gray , Ada Nicodemou , Deni Gordon , Rowan Witt , Eleanor Witt , Tamara Brown


Tom Read , Noni Roy , Paul Sullivan , Toby Pease , Lana Wachowski , Lilly Wachowski , Victoria Sullivan , James McTeigue , Colin Fletcher


Lilly Wachowski , Lana Wachowski


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